Saturday, October 8, 2016

COMSOL Offers Rotordynamics Module, Performance Improvements at Boston Conference

BURLINGTON, MA, USA, Oct 8, 2016 - COMSOL, Inc. the leading provider of software solutions for multiphysics modeling, simulation, app design and deployment, provided attendees with the latest updates of COMSOL Multiphysics software, COMSOL Server product, and COMSOL Client at the 12th annual COMSOL Conference Boston. The latest update of the COMSOL software features major performance increases and the release of the Rotordynamics Module, which is now available as an add-on product to the Structural Mechanics Module.

Performance Improvements for the Handling of Large Models

The latest version of COMSOL software provides up to a 10x speedup for the handling of large models and mesh creation. A combination of a tetrahedral and swept mesh of a gas turbine is shown.

The latest update of the COMSOL software provides significant performance improvements compared to versions made available a year ago. The speedup is most notable with respect to the handling of models with several thousand domains and boundaries.

COMSOL is committed to continue its strive to deliver the most efficient and robust multiphysics environment for its wide range of products for electrical, mechanical, acoustics, fluid, thermal, and chemical simulations. “To fulfil this commitment, COMSOL’s development team ensures that each update of the COMSOL software provides more efficient solvers, meshing, and physics modeling functionality”, comments Bjorn Sjodin, VP of Product Management, COMSOL, Inc.

The Future of Simulation: Application Design and Deployment

This app created with COMSOL Multiphysics software allows, the user to evaluate the structural stress in a bike frame for varying dimensions, materials, and loading conditions.

Svante Littmarck, President and CEO, COMSOL, Inc. showcased examples of how customers are leveraging simulation apps to enable company-wide usage of multiphysics simulation. “These case studies provide us with a first look at how our customers benefit from building and deploying simulation apps,” said Littmarck in his keynote presentation, “The Application Builder and COMSOL Server are the tools that organizations need in order to provide multiphysics for everyone.”

The Application Builder has enabled simulation specialists to create multiphysics apps, based on their detailed models, through custom interfaces that can be easily accessed via COMSOL Client or a web browser connecting to a local installation of COMSOL Server.

Custom applications can be created for anyone from technicians, support staff, designers, to customer service representatives, empowering them to make on-the-fly design iterations and report generation.

With COMSOL Server organizations can deploy industry-specific analysis tools in a dynamic, streamlined, quick to implement format that can be scaled for global benefit.

Release of the Rotordynamics Module

Pressure distribution in the lubricant of the bearings (rainbow color plot), von Mises stress (blue color plot), and displacement of the bearings (orbit plot) resulting from a rotordynamics analysis.

The latest update of the COMSOL software product suite includes the new Rotordynamics Module, which will aid engineers in analyzing vibrations due to centrifugal forces and other gyroscopic effects in rotating machinery. This new product will be used to ensure that rotor vibrations are contained within acceptable design limits by providing functionality for evaluating critical speed, whirl, and bearings. This module will be of particular interest to those working with the design of turbines, turbochargers, electrical machinery, and pumps in the automobile, marine, aerospace, energy, and household appliance industries.

“With the Rotordynamics Module, users can take into account the effects of various components such as disks, bearings, and foundations,” explains Prashant Srivastava, a Technical Product Manager at COMSOL. “Users will also be able to easily postprocess their results directly within the software to present the results of their analysis as Campbell diagrams, modal orbits, harmonic orbits, waterfall plots, and whirl plots.”

The new module works in concert with the other COMSOL products. For example, additional tools for modeling geared rotors are available when the Rotordynamics Module is combined with the Multibody Dynamics Module.


To download the latest version of COMSOL Multiphysics software and COMSOL Server product or update your current installation, visit

COMSOL software products are supported on Windows, Linux, and mac OS. The Application Builder is supported on Windows.


COMSOL is a global provider of simulation software for product design and research to technical enterprises, research labs, and universities. Its COMSOL Multiphysics product is an integrated software environment for creating physics-based models and simulation apps. A particular strength is its ability to account for coupled or multiphysics phenomena. Add-on products expand the simulation platform for electrical, mechanical, fluid flow, and chemical applications. Interfacing tools enable the integration of COMSOL Multiphysics simulations with all major technical computing and CAD tools on the CAE market. Simulation experts rely on the COMSOL Server product to deploy apps to their design teams, manufacturing departments, test laboratories, and customers throughout the world. Founded in 1986, COMSOL employs more than 480 people in 21 offices worldwide and extends its reach with a network of distributors. For more information, visit

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